Change Log - Version 4.16.0 - Release Date November 13, 2014


  • Significant performance improvements in build times, load times, and general responsiveness.
  • Exclusions for field/method signatures can now be specified using regular expressions.
  • The v4 Analytics API now runs under .NET 4.0, rather than .NET 4.0.3.
  • Resigning packages through Dotfuscator is now optional.
  • Assembly level unhandled exception reporting is now supported in ASP.NET web applications.
  • The analytics endpoint can now be specified at runtime with web.config or app.config settings.
  • Exception reporting can now use the standard SourceElement set of sources to receive the Exception object, such as Method Argument, Field, etc.
  • The "Omit Personally Identifiable Information" instrumentation option is now exposed as a property of the SetupAttribute.
  • The help system now uses standard HTML and a web browser to display the documentation.
  • Various user interface improvements.


  • Performance probe using the v3 Analytics API is now more accurate.
  • Various bug fixes for special characters in assembly names within packages.
  • Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Store(Universal Apps) now use the Windows Store version of the Analytics API for instrumentation.