Change Log - Version 4.13.0 - Release Date March 24, 2014


  • Obfuscating Windows 8.1 Store Apps is now supported.
  • Added the ability to specify the PreEmptive Analytics endpoint at runtime.
    • CustomEndpoint has been renamed to StaticEndpoint.
  • Additional hardening against deobfuscators.
  • Dotfuscator is now able to transform markup in linked assemblies, as long as only one of the assemblies has markup. Linking assemblies with satellite assemblies, or assemblies in packages (e.g. XAP), may not succeed.


  • When linking assemblies with markup, the output assembly can be given an arbitrary name.


  • To support the ability to specify the endpoint at runtime, your project file might be upgraded and afterwards will no longer work with old versions of dotfuscator (to be exact, it will send messages to the wrong location).