Change Log - Version 4.9.9000 - Release Date January 29, 2013


  • New Windows Phone 8 specific instrumentation library leading to improved data and exception tracking on the WP8 platform.
  • Improvements to control flow obfuscation to hinder decompilation.

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • Corrected an issue where Enum members could be stripped when 'Remove Only Literals' was set even if they should be kept.
  • Various bug fixes to Windows Store App support, including preventing pruning of types referenced only in APPX manifests.
  • Corrected an issue with ClickOnce manifests on .NET 4.5.
  • Instrumentation Sinks can now be specified even if they aren't processed as inputs.
  • Corrected an issue where ARM targeted WinRT apps would be output as AnyCPU.
  • Using String Encryption on Portable Class Libraries will no longer cause Windows Store apps to fail certification.