Change Log - Version 4.9.8500 - Release Date October 29, 2012


  • Improved APPX package support, including rewriting of APPX manifest files.
  • Improved Windows Modern UI obfuscation support.
  • Visual Studio 2012 Integration.
  • Numerous performance improvements.
  • Improved loose XAML support.
  • Support for obfuscation and analytics for Windows Phone 8 .NET applications.

Functional Changes:

  • It is now possible to have multiple Application and Business attributes per Dotfuscator project (but only one each per any one assembly).
  • In this release we are dropping support for running Dotfuscator in a .NET 1.0/1.1 environment. It now requires .NET 3.5 or higher. As a side effect we are also dropping Visual Studio integration for versions below 2008. Note that Dotfuscator will still support processing input assemblies that target .NET 1.0/1.1.

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • Resolved an issue where obfuscated code could attempt to call an abstract method on a base class rather than its concrete implementation in a derived class.
  • Resolved a possible null reference exception when attempting to obfuscate an assembly referencing a netmodule.
  • Resolved an issue where a derived interface could be incorrectly called as its base interface.
  • The Artifacts node of a package is now consistent between Stand Alone UI and Visual Studio Integration. Specifically, Visual Studio Integration now displays subdirectories for artifacts.
  • Resolved an issue where string encryption would inject String.Intern() calls into Windows Store Apps causing them to fail certification.
  • Resolved an issue where having localized or variant resources in an APPX package could cause the build to fail.

Known Issues:

  • Linking of assemblies containing associated Loose XAML and that are being obfuscated is not fully supported.
  • This release does not include analytics code injection for Windows Store Apps.