Change Log - Version 4.9.6500 - Release Date June 14, 2011

Functional Changes:

  • Due to framework limitations, Dotfuscator no longer allows TamperCheck to be inserted into .NET 4 and above dlls. It will now output a warning and skip insertion.

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • Fixes a possible null reference exception when building Silverlight XAPs.
  • Corrects an invalid ITypeRef error.
  • SmartObfuscation rules that operate on XAML code behind, should now honor the "Transform XAML" flag.
  • Property paths that start with periods and/or contain indexers should properly parse.
  • Instances where we remove or add files to XAP packages will correctly be reflected in the manifest. For instance, if the attributes.dll is stripped, it’s reference should be removed from the XAP manifest.
  • Corrected the Output tab to correctly reflect pruned status in certain situations.
  • Corrected an issue that could cause Dotfuscator subscriptions to cease functioning 24 hrs prior to subscription end.
  • Base classes that implement serializing constructors for child classes that are marked serializable, will no longer have the serializing constructor removed.
  • Corrected an issue that would infrequently cause the build to fail during postprocessing of tamper checked assemblies.
  • Corrects various null reference exceptions, specifically related to Markup parsing.