Change Log - Version 4.9.6000 - Release Date February 11, 2011


  • Runtime Intelligence messages are now transmitted in batches from Silverlight & Windows Phone applications.
  • Renaming support added for attached properties, dependency properties, routed events, and attached events in XAML applications (Silverlight, WP7, and WPF).

Functional Changes:

  • In ExceptionTrackAttributes, the NotificationSink is now invoked before the ReportInfoSource.

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • Fixes use of ANID property for the calculation of Unique Users of Windows Phone applications.
  • Fixes timezone offset attached to cached messages.
  • Fixes interaction between Library Mode and cross-assembly obfuscation of "friend" assemblies.
  • Fixes minor UI issues with ExceptionTrackAttributes.
  • Fixes minor UI issues with the subscription warning and renewal process.