Change Log - Version 4.9.1000 - Beta - Release Date September 27, 2010


  • Added support for exception tracking. You can now track unhandled, caught, and thrown exceptions within your input assemblies and report on them using Runtime Intelligence.
  • Added obfuscation and Runtime Intelligence Support for Windows Phone 7 apps (Silverlight and XNA).
  • Additional Smart Obfuscation enhancements.
  • Enhanced XAP support.
  • Silverlight applications utilizing Runtime Intelligence can now send application shutdown messages using offline caching (messages send on next app start).
  • Added support for naming PerformanceProbe data collection points.

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • Removed unused options for certain extended attributes.
  • Updated XAML parser to correctly handle quoted attribute values.
  • Corrected an issue where a read-only input file could cause an error.
  • Support updating the entry point type name in a Silverlight manifest when the entry point type is renamed, even if the type is not defined in XAML.
  • Corrected various issues with satellite assemblies.