Change Log - Version 4.7.1000 - Release Date May 18, 2010


  • Improved obfuscation of WPF applications with support for renaming items in BAML resources
  • Integrated signing of Silverlight 4 XAP files and Out Of Browser manifest elements
  • Support for the latest version of Inishtech Software Licensing & Protection

Functional Changes

  • All input assemblies have Library mode enabled by default. All publicly accessible members will be excluded from renaming by default.
  • Sending of Tamper notifications has been changed to be off by default.

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • Support for .NET 4.0 ClickOnce extensions
  • Support for native member assemblies in ClickOnce packages
  • Bugfix for new VB.NET 10 (Visual Studio 2010 RTM) projects
  • Visual Studio integration fixes
  • Runtime Intelligence offline cache improvements
  • Improved handling of assemblies signed with zero length public keys
  • Extended Key dictionary names that exceed 2000 characters and values that exceed 4000 characters are truncated and are no longer skipped
  • Extended attributes can be applied to methods of the same name via the user interface
  • Constructors can be instrumented