Change Log - Version 4.6.1010 - Release Date November 5, 2009


  • Support for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and .NET 4.0 Beta 2
  • Added ability to add all assemblies in a specified directory as inputs in a single action (Directory Package). Additionally, support adding all assemblies that match a given wildcard as a single action.
  • Support for processing a Silverlight XAP package as a single input and outputting an updated XAP.
  • Support for processing a ClickOnce deploy manifest as a single input and outputting updated manifests and assemblies.
  • Ability for Runtime Intelligence instrumented methods to automatically send the names and values of parameters of the method.
  • Improved Runtime Intelligence instrumentation of Office, Visual Studio and other add-in assemblies
  • Better support for input assemblies that are no longer present at load and/or build time.
  • Tweaks to Smart Obfuscation rules

Resolved Issues Concerning:

  • NullReferenceException during build in some non-standard environments with renamed framework directories.
  • "System.NotSupportedException: This .resources file shouldn't be used with this reader" error during build.
  • Invalid map file generated with merge of Runtime Intelligence library and Tamper detection or Shelf Life.
  • Phantom Setup, Teardown and Feature attributes displayed in UI under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed localized Shelf Life expiration
  • Minor UI tweaks and bugfixes.