Change Log - - Version - Release Date June 2016

This release ships with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

Functional Changes:

  • Running `dotfuscatorCLI.exe` with no arguments will output usage information to the command line, instead of opening the Dotfuscator CE stand-alone UI. If you want to run the Dotfuscator CE stand-alone UI, either execute `dotfuscatorCLI.exe /g` from the command line or run `dotfuscator.exe`.


  • Assemblies within a package now display their paths within the package on the Input GUI.
  • The About dialog is always-on-top until it is dismissed.
  • Fixed BAML obfuscation issue that could cause a runtime error in WPF applications.
  • Improved handling of framework attached properties in XAML that take a UIElement in their backing code.
  • Fixed issue where some assemblies were missing a header flag after obfuscation.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to an Int32 parse error during build.
  • Fixed various other minor bugs.