Change Log - - Version 5.40.0 - Release Date January 2019


  • Revised User Guide instructions for protecting Xamarin apps.
  • Sample projects have been moved to GitHub. You can still access them from Dotfuscator Community by choosing "File" -> "Download Samples".
  • The "Renaming" -> "Exclusions" tab's code tree now consolidates Custom Attributes under a single node for each code item, allowing easier browsing.
  • This release may include protection enhancements not described here.

Functional Changes

  • The product name has changed to "Dotfuscator Community".
  • Updated terminology from "Dotfuscator project" to "Dotfuscator config", to reflect the same change in Dotfuscator Professional.
  • Running Dotfuscator now minimally requires .NET Framework v4.6.1 (previously, v4.5.2). You can still protect apps targeting earlier frameworks.
  • Dotfuscator Community can now be installed into the Visual Studio 2019 Preview.
  • Dotfuscator's renaming obfuscation will no longer generate new names that are reserved words in Java. This avoids issues with Xamarin.Android tools generating Java source code based on obfuscated assemblies.
  • Dotfuscator no longer generates an error when an input with an assembly-level inclusion/exclusion rule is removed from the input list in the config. Instead, Dotfuscator will warn that there are orphaned rules.
  • The /makeconfig command line option has been deprecated. The new /genconfig option should be used instead. Whereas /makeconfig both created a new Dotfuscator config and ran Dotfuscator with that config, /genconfig simply creates the new Dotfuscator config. Furthermore, /genconfig generates a <propertylist> element in the config file, populated with the property values passed in the command line via the /p option.
  • Increased efficiency of LINQ-related Smart Obfuscation.
  • References to the discontinued PreEmptive Analytics Community Workbench have been removed.

Important Compatibility Changes

  • Dotfuscator Community's proxy settings are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the operating system proxy settings instead.


  • Fixed an error with processing BAML records.
  • Fixed an issue where a file-level inclusion/exclusion rule for a file that does not exist or is not an assembly caused subsequent file-level rules to be ignored.
  • Fixed a build error when using Root Checks in some scenarios.