Let's face it, application protection isn't an easy problem to solve.

PreEmptive Protection makes complex changes to bytecode making the resulting code nearly impossible for a human to understand but work correctly on all runtime platforms without impacting performance. It can also inject new code into those applications, to add pre-defined or custom behavior, also without breaking the app or introducing performance issues.

It does all this from different build environments, across dev machines, tightly-restricted CI servers, and auto-provisioned cloud environments. And all this work has to thwart attackers - clever humans who are motivated to work around what we've done.

Sometimes, professional help is required to get it right.

When you consider an application protection product, don't just consider what the product does. Consider what the vendor does to help you get it right.

Our support team has years of experience resolving complex build and runtime issues that may arise during the protection process. Our team is dedicated to resolving your issues quickly and in a way best suited for you. You can reach out by submitting a support ticket.

PreEmptive has a team of dedicated support engineers who:

  • Are in the US and Europe
  • Are kind and patient
  • Know our products inside and out
  • Know the development platforms inside and out
  • Know the build tools inside and out
  • Have seen all the common problems before
  • Can directly, personally troubleshoot uncommon problems
  • Can easily escalate the hardest of problems to our development teams, or even to the platform vendors (And still figure out a workaround, in the meantime!)